Friday, June 28, 2013

night devotion

A bit of a change of pace. Since lately I have trouble waking up. Can't miss devotion no? So todays done at night.
Tell me about upset, anger, frustration, despair... All those feelings that are too familiar when dealing with people. Especially on close proximity level. Hurt, broken trust, surely you all know how it feels to be taken advantage of, especially when that person knows how you "tick", thus using that knowledge against your advantage.
What happens after this is a terrible struggle to learn to trust again, love again, and fight anger and hate. I too have my fair share of learning to love other people. Especially those who have wronged me gravely. With hate as the simple little game that propels the urge for vengeance and unforgiveness. I have actually over the past years handled this area really badly. I look at myself, and I realised that there are people whom I do not wish to see being found in a church, thus wishing eternal damnation over them. Not to mention the temptation to want to see them fail, to pray over that their life be an eternal failure. There are those whom I dread knowing.
The Lord however hates this mindset of anger. To him all man are equal in creation. The more I read through Corinthians, the more i see the potential of how sinful a human can be. But at the same time, I also see how graceful God can be. Abundant with his grace and mercy. Probably one day, such anger will no longer affect me and I shall also be able to show the same kindness and mercy to others.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

2nd upper

I obtain 2nd upper in my law degree!!! ^^ celebration. But first things first, all thanks to God, for without him, this would have turned out ugly. I had a horrible break up followed by horrible revelations and news 20 days before my examinations. I expected myself to fail, but God was there, granting me clear mind, strength and grace. Evidence that God has power over everything. Even emotions. 20 days to recover and be ready for an exam! This 2nd upper is not my work, but the work of God. Also, not to mention the church friends who granted me support, and most of all, my parents for prompting me and supporting me all the way through moments where I really wanted to give up.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Morning devotion (23th june)

For those who knows me, if you actually read my devotions carefully, you can tell of the plights that I have to keep on going through on a daily basis.

2 Corinthians 4:2 "But we have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight of God.
Do you hate sin? Do you have a peculiar sin you hate most? These few days, I dread having to go to the city. It brings me to face the sin that I struggle with the most. With every girl in town dressed as though cloth has become scarce, I could barely even keep my eyes to myself. With every girl dressing as though the world has to see their bra size, I could barely even keep lust out of my mind, and I really hate it so bad that I rather have my eyes pulled out each time I start thinking like that. I REALLY HATE IT.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

morning devotion

I often forgot how to preach to non-believers. These few days I have come into contact with more and more of them around, and I always find myself dreading every moment of it. I don't know what position to stand. I have to make the proposition of  where God and Christ stands regarding sin clear to them, but at the same time grace. Then at the same time, it is love rather, then any other things that is most important to be shown. And most of the time, I am so caught up in inducing my doctrines and fundamentalism rather than trying to love the other person. Woe is me.
Today as I read the bible again during my quiet time, God reminded me of another thing that I often do. Move around being stuck in the old testament while everyone is moving around in the new. Which is correct? Neither. God wants to by the new, bring us back to genesis. Different from returning to the old testament. Returning to genesis after salvation is returning to the core and fundamental purpose of men. While returning to the old testament is following the law which brings condemnation. So often do I find myself not just doing to others, but because I also do to myself! Living in the law too often, thus condemning everything, everyone for wrongs that is already forgiven. Do I then also condemn myself? Yes.
The more I know Christ, the more I realised how much I lack the art of showing mercy. The more I want to learn how to be compassionate, kind and merciful. To the tax collectors, he was most loving and kind that they changed their ways, what kind of mindset must I change and have to learn to have mercy on those I scorn and curse. What mindset my I charge to stop me from scorning and cursing people. How do i stop thinking that by knowing scriptures and God, I am holier than others. One needs Christ more than ever.
The most difficult part of scripture that I read today is 2 corinthians 3: 14-16. How often do I wish that some of my closes friends comes to saving knowledge. Even more so do I wish that they do so today. But unless they take the step of faith first, they will know nothing. God, all is in your hands.

Friday, June 14, 2013

morning devotion

Today. I have no idea why. And it definitely did not come from God. Woke up feeling upset, frustrated, helpless, used and played all at the same time. I could hardly bring myself to the computer to do my devotion. All I wanted to was lie in bed and curl up in my blanket and wallow in my sorrow. I remembered what my youth leader used to say. Never give yourself a reason to not worship God. At any state your in, he always demands your worship. So rebuking my own heart, knowing that it is deceitful, I decided to worship. And guess what. though the feelings didn't all go away for personal reasons, Almost all of it left. I can  certainly say it is not from God.
In times like this, the first resort that is so tempting to go hunting for is human ears and companionship. Oh, back to that stupid desire for someone to listen to my plight. I knew within my heart that God is saying, tell me first before you go telling anyone else. The curious thing is after telling God, I won't need to tell other people. But after telling other people, I won't be telling God. I really had to hold my head together, and push forward in prayer. It felt like I am trying to break down a tree. The whole pushing was nothing but a war of perseverance. And did the Lord came to the rescue? Yes He did.
A curious thing about us is how much we know and yet do not know about our salvation. Do you know that the solution to all your problems is your salvation? Knowing is 1 thing, believing is another. But yet without believing, you will never "know"
The lord today took time, and considerable amount to remind me about a few things and teach me a few more about my salvation.

Do you know that your salvation is actually God standing in the face of death saying "Pick on someone your own size, ME!" Do you fear death? When students of a kungfu master lost against someone in a battle, who do they turn to. The master. And the master will come and heal, as well as protect them. Challenging their opponent. " I will be your opponent. Leave my students alone!" Students will usually hide behind the master, and come out to join him in his victory when he has won. My Christian life is really stupid. My boss must come to save me when I least know I need saving, and when he is fighting my opponent for me, I will rush in at the worse moments possible. Most of the time, we feel God holding us back and we resent that because we do not see the monster he is fighting. How arrogant and stupid would we be if we think we can face that monster alone.
Being still is letting your salvation take its course. The hardest thing to do during trouble is be still. Yet all the cool people are most still when in the face of trouble. Calm, composed and cool. Thats why they are cool. Today I must learn to ditch my worries to a more reliable source.
Premeditation is a dangerous thing to do. What you let your mind feed on before meditating on anything will affect you dangerously. What we do not realise is we are always premeditating something. Having something preoccupy our minds.
The day when none of this corrupt source of thinking affects me, I will be more than overjoyed.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

morning devotion 13 june

The start of this passage took me by complete surprise. Paul opened by defending his calling. I often wondered what kind of position would I ended up taking. I can so easily go round telling others that I am a lawyer to be, but I find it extremely, strangely hard to tell anyone I am a bible study teacher (was and still want to be) So much floods into my mind when I want to say I know how to teach the bible. Paul defends his calling in the most interesting fashion. One that I actually thought of doing before in the past, but never had the guts to used. Paul pointed out to the people listening to him speaking that they are the seal that clarifies his apostleship. Meaning they are the fruit of his labour. Amusing stand that was taken. I would definitely have not the "thing" in me to tell people I am ministering to that they are the fruit of my labour for I feel not worthy of it.

the next passage took me by another surprise. The right to refrain from working. I gotten really amused by what Paul said. Right to have a wife, right to eat and drink. One often forgets the reason why God had us created and one commonly forget that we are not robots created by God to be fitted into a factory. Today, I am reminded of the way God created the garden of Eden. made for the enjoyment of mankind. The creation of mankind suddenly makes more sense, especially why God put them on earth. We man often forget about fun because of the in build design to work and protect, as well as being a visionary and cultivator. It made us one tracked minded. I admit we cannot multitask to a great extend. Women. Please don't take it against us when it looks like we do not appreciate what you do. We really do. We just have to switch between different modes of brain too often with you. ie logic to feelings or feelings to logic. Unlike you women, we are wired with decision making desires. We are not dictators, we are just wired with parts that makes us want to think in facts and bottom lines, thus when you ask us to feel something, it takes a bit of a while to re tune our own mind. We are not as adaptable as you. Be patient with us. Anyway, back to the argument. Enjoyment.
Often we find ourselves at the "Martha" position. Working to please or just simply working. Working in my context is not the literal working for money, but simply just doing something that feels productive with a must kind of mentality. For example, making a guest feel welcome at home by offering food, drinks, a seat. It is not wrong, but the alternative is just talking to the person.
Relax. This word seems more and more foreign these days. We cannot relax ourselves, and neither do we expect others to relax around us. I was sitting for my exam a long while ago. And next to me was a girl writting so furiously that in 3 hours she finished using up 20 pages for an essay! She later then approached me and ask why was I so relaxed. My writing speed was not fast at all, and she note that I did have time to check back my paper, and watch the clock.
I look at myself. Am I any different from that girl yet? I definitely am not  to that extend of anxiousness, but how much to an extend do I do anything else with such anxiousness that I forget to trust and relax, and enjoy the things God expects me to enjoy. One of the things that amuses me most is the way how people travel. My parents would want to rush to a peculiar place. Then relax and enjoy there on the spot. My grandparents have a different doctrine. Enjoy the journey. And when you reached, rushingly complete everything. I laugh at them once. But now I look at my life. I don't sit back and enjoy the journey, and when I reached the destination, I just want to complete it and move on to the next assignment. Curious is it not? God created us to be fun loving creatures. Evidence is the trees, nature, animals, people, love ones he put around us to enjoy. Often, only when it is gone do we enjoy it. and then we cursed our mistake of forgetting to enjoy our friendship or company, but not realising that a drastic correction in our lifestyle is needed.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Morning Devotion 12th June

Conscience. I always wondered what was the relationship that a conscience had with the holy spirit.  In the same way I trust the holy spirit, I trust my conscience. In fact, it be most accurate to say that the holy spirit is my conscience.
Was there ever a time you would wonder if your guts is telling you something that you should not follow? I too wondered about people who have yet to receive the holy spirit. What kind of conscience do they have. To what level must one be corrupt to lose the holy spirit? Then I look, and also realised that without the holy spirit, one's monster gets truly unleashed.
"We are all monsters." This were the words of my mentor before I left for my degree. I knew the accuracy of that statement. At least when I look at myself, I see its reality. I am a monster. what good others see is just a suppression of who I truly am on the inside. Volatile, Rash, Arrogant, Lustful. At times I am like a super villain that people see on TV. It was one of the moments when your mind agrees and 100 thoughts comes flying into your head at the a split second making an agreeing stand to the statement made. The next thing any guy would ask for would be a solution. What can solve my problem. "Forgive yourself. As how God forgive you. Learn to love yourself." In all sense, I barely even could bring myself to agree, but that day, somehow it made a lot of sense. And I decided to hunt and understand what it really meant. Now such words no longer seem foreign to me, I understand what it really means.
What happened at the moment of receiving the solution was my own conscience opened up, and I could for an instance understand the mysteries of heaven. Was it hard? In truth, all you need to do is surrender and submit, then the powers of heaven is unlocked for you.
I always wondered why women filled the church. Where did the Godly man go? Do you know why man was created first and women 2nd? It has nothing to do with rights. The more I dig deep into genesis to study the original purpose of man, the more the beautiful plan of God really captivates me. Man first came into the world and God taught man his law (this is a simplified way of looking at it. there is way more to discuss about in this area) God then fashioned woman according to the body of man to give him the perfect companion. Gods idea. Not mine.  Note that it was MAN'S DUTY to teach the women God's law. God didn't teach her his law. THE MAN DID.
There is no inferiority between man and women. Once we start separating purpose from rights and status, we become more fulfilled. Who there can I ask would tell me why a person doing a peculiar job is inferior to another? the only difference that separates you from him is talent and time. In the bible, the parable of the talents. 3 man. different talents given. Note. God didn't specify who was ranked higher before giving them each talents. God just gave them and implied to them that he expects investments. The trouble with being the person with only 1 talent is comparison. How much can one lost from his purpose of comparison. I also noted that when one is comparing himself with another, signals does not fly up as warning, there might be no signals for all we know.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

treatment of women

Once in a while the family lawyer person in me begins to want to write something. Thus today, I shall dwell upon the current status and rights of women.

What does the modern world look like to women. I often wonder how would a women perceive the world to be like when they first woke up. What kind of world are they living in to begin with. I always knew that as a guy, the world that I am living in is a lot better than the world that women kind are in. Am I thankful for that? Absolutely not! I am deeply saddened by it. If a plight like that would affect someone dear and close to me, then surely one should not be pleased by such a disposition.

After the world war 2, what seemingly look to be a change to the status of women folk suddenly took the world by surprise. Women are suddenly found in universities, workplace, to what people believe to be given the same rights and privileges of men kind. Anyone remember the song by James Brown? Something to do with living in a mans world. You agree with the notion? The proper question is can you see that notion actually happening in this world?
It is hard to write something about what degrading levels does a women actually face on all levels, because there are so much to write about. Too many areas would come to mind. Men out there, does any of this areas disgust you? Wait till God impressed upon you how unhappy it makes women, particularly the one he has prepared for you. You be as angry as me.
Most men I met out there does not, definitely does not view women as anything more than a walking sex object. Sometime ago, I was in a bar alone trying to catch a bite of lunch before taking the bus. As I was eating by burger, I can't help but overhear a conversation between two guys discussing about the 1 night stands that they had with girls they just met in uni within weeks. What hits me is those girls are not even their girlfriends. And they are discussing about another trip to a club to hunt for more. I may be fallen in my own way, but I never liked even hearing of how women can be treated so cheaply. More disgust filled me when I realised that those girls who spend the night with them treated themselves equally cheaply. You just made it even harder for anyone to fight for your rights especially if your going to offer your body so cheaply.
Men who truly love your women. Allow me to grant you some knowledge about the " heart" picture. It is actually not the shape of a heart (Unless you never had science class, you probably already knew this) Out of curiousity, I went to find out and what i shock I had when i figured  that it is actually the picture of a womens bend over butt as though an invitation to doggy style. If culture is going to degrade women to this extend, how hypocritical is it to award women rights and foundations to equality. No one views man as any form of sexual objects do they? I don't know how women then look at hulky man, but I highly doubt it that any women would be thinking of his penis when looking at his arm muscles. But look at even popular design culture. The picture of a simple heart shape that is found nearly everywhere is a hidden meaning picture meant to instigate hidden meanings to a sexual act based on a woman's body. If this is overreacting, then I plead guilty and ask that you continue treating all women as sexual objects accepting symbols of such to be societies norm. I definitely cannot imagine someone using a picture of my butt/ penis as a symbol of love. If anyone is to offer me something close to that, I sue that person.
what other kinds of lies goes out there? " Women can now do exactly what men do." Personally, I don't mind. But on a deeper level, I noticed how much it undermines women's purpose in life. As society progresses, the position of a submissive person, a kind person, compassionate person turns to look weaker. What women are meant to do best, society now makes it looks as though it is only done by the weak. How would you feel if someone tells you the true purpose of your life is what makes you weak. For that you must go for the purposes of someone else. God in his own perfect will created women with a special purpose for her. strange that men would go round calling that purpose weak, offer women their purpose, and now complain about the world turning in turmoil, women taking over them.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Morning devotion 10th june

Just exited the fun book of philosophy of Romans. Its practicals is ridiculously hard to apply. About time I enter into a book that is not so philosophical. Thus, HELLO 1 CORINTHIANS!

I noticed Paul opens up every book with a self introduction of who he is and what is his calling. Till now, I have no clear idea of what my calling is. I truly admire ( probably better word is envy) people who knows what their calling is specifically. I met a person doing paleontology. He told me that at least I can earn money with my degree easily and compared to his, finding a job can be pretty challenging. From his perspective, I can understand what pain he has to go through having to probably trade desire for practicality. I on the other hand does not need to, but the possibility of having moved far from my true purpose is a possibility that is huge. Fear breeds doubt and doubt kills faith.

I always wonder what type of gifting in Christ am I granted. Today I received a partial answer. Enrichment in Utterance and Knowledge is a gift. Apparently made available to all Christians. I like to distinguish between personal gifts and communal gifts. Communal gifts, singularly unique to everyone. Not distinguished. Personal gifts, Distinguished. crafted specifically uniquely for you. If I go to a shop and buy a shirt for you, its not a full personal gift. Its a personal communal gift. It is specifically chosen for you from me, thus being personal in that sense. Communal in that everyone also has excess to that gift and everyone if wanting, can also purchase the same gift and the whole world be wearing the same shirt. @@ nasty. Wally. However, Christ crated something crazy. A communal personal gift. A gift for everyone, but each one is personally crafted, designed specifically to not just meet your need, but impress you as well. How wonderful is that? To every Christians out there, God grants you the gift of wisdom and peace. All Christians has access to it as long as you believe. But here is the beautiful part of the gift. Though we all have the same gift, we can never experience it the same way as each other does. Our gifts are crafted into our personality, mixed with our desires and trades. The peace of God though singular, is unique to each one in the way it is experience, qualifying God as a personal God. Similarly, wisdom from him is granted tailored to each ones specific life. If you ever felt that you as an engineering student is inferior to a law student, understand that God thinks otherwise. His gifts to you allows you to see things in a way no one else can see and no one else can meet. Lets put it this way. The wisdom given to you, is always designed to enable you to do something that no one else can do. So important is your role that if you do not do it, no one else might. Its your purpose and a life specifically made for you. Maddeningly mind blowing. reminds me of what the psalmist said. What is in men that you are so mindful of him.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Standards (morning devotion)

Romans 13-14

On many occasions, the Lord has questioned where are my standards and how high are they really. On the moment I thought I have finally held myself to a Godly measuring stick, a scripture will popped out to show me how deprived I really am, and the only reason why I am still in this game is because the grace granted to me reaches deeper than my depravity.
The first part of what I read relates to the government. Instant thoughts about home starts popping up in my head. Often I find myself trying to qualify someone or something under Gods standards, and when it does not qualify, I abandon it. Today I am reminded that nothing happens without God qualifying it. And it is also applied to Malaysian government. Instantly, I know God is saying the approach I take towards home government is one closer to hate than it is to love. I speak of how much I love Malaysia and its people. Now, I wonder how much do I hate the government. What approach should I take...
The second part relates to people. Love thy neighbor. Love does not harm, therefore fulfills the law. I want to fulfill the law. But I know I have a list of people I want to deal great harm to. Be it minor or major. Once again, I am reminded that the Lord concerns the mensrea (evil mind) more than the actus reus (acts of evil). Unlike doing good. God wants to see acts more than thoughts.
the next 4 verse is the closing 4 verses of chapter 13.  Putting on Christ. Right before reading the last 4 verses, on a facebook page appears the words of Corinthians 7. Live as though you have nothing. (interpret not as dis-ownership, but wanting nothing. One of the things Paul added in was marriage. Married people live as though they are not married. This part be confusing. Paul here is not dealing with the uniting of a man and women in marriage for the purposes of God and intention of God. Paul is dealing with "passion". In reference to that, marriage was used as a solution to not sin in passion. But originally the purposes of marriage should be discovered in genesis. And that bears an entirely different meaning all together. Do not live in lewdness and lust. Lust at the first to my understanding pointed to physical carnal desires of the heart. But as I come to understand it further, lust points at something more. Carnal desires. Physical, spiritual, mental, psychological. A sudden questioning of the way I even approach people came about as well. The question that comes to mind is do I desire from people what should be from God? that intimacy level in a relationship to a peculiar extend is lustful too. Amuses me about the perverse ways man conducts himself within the boundaries of relationships however pure, always leading to a demented ending. To not enter into a marriage without thinking of lust. Now that is difficult. Try thinking of never having sex with your partner after marriage. Even by law, no sex = no consummation of marriage. Everything of this world points in the opposite direction of what God intends. Most obvious is the perversion of the understanding of one of humans most sacred covenant. marriage.
Finally. The art of love is sacrifice. To know permissibility to execute or prevent a peculiar conduct is a revelation that should not be let go of. To renounce the right to execute or prevent a right is love. One must have a right to forfeit to know value. One must forfeit a right to know love. The bible used eating and drinking as a simple analogy though its reference points to necessity. What we find necessary for ourselves. Give it up for another? (this is not saying to give up your walk with God for another person.)

Friday, June 7, 2013


Worship must begin meek and humbled. Or you can never enjoy it.

Here I am.
humbled by your majesty
covered by your grace so free
here I am
knowing i am a sinful man
covered by the blood of the lamb

now I found
the greatest love of all
is mine
since you lay down your life
the greatest sacrifice

your grace has found me just as I am
empty handed but alive in your hands

Here I am
humbled the love that you gave
forgiven so that I can forgive
so here I stand
knowing that I am your desire
sactified by glory and fire.

Majesty (here I am) Hillsong and Delirious? 2003

Thursday, June 6, 2013

quest of the missing me

This I feel is a moment of life that everyone would pass through at least once. You climb up a mountain. as nearing the peak of the mountain, it gotten somewhat lonely. But perseverance pushes on. When you got to the top, you look back and realised the depth of growth that has been overcame. At that instant, you fall backwards from the first peak, and found yourself at the bottom of the mountain. Curiously, the process of rowing down can be pretty long. Upon reaching the bottom of the mountain, you picked up a mirror and looked at yourself. My... you barely recognised who is in that mirror.
So what does one do after that? Strangely, lifes way is not going to a hospital, but going up another mountain. The way life helps one to recover is strange.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

I was told that I write really long post. Haha. >< So very sorry. I am a person of much words. This post have been considered normal / short on my account. a really long post, to me.... I think is equivalent to 1 chapter of a book for anyone.
I really desire that all my friends read my blog. See how God move in my life's testimony. See what I learned, and hopefully hear God speaking to them through that. I however am not much of a picture person. Nor a colour person. I find myself comfortable with words, words, words, and loads of them. To the people I am close to, I too think I talk a lot and think too much. I however don't know if I should change that, after all, How I express myself best is words, and lots of them.
So if you do find reading my blog a drag, I am sorry. To get to know a lawyer like me, one needs to enter the difficult realm of words and think nuts like me I guess, which can be pretty unentertaining. I too can understand that part being a drag because to a certain extend, I also find words sickening though I too find them adorable. haha.
If you read this far already, you have my thanks, and a beg to not stop. As rewards to your ears, I promise, nothing here is not God inspired or personally created by me. After all, you intend to read God inspired writings and what I have to say. That I can promise to bring out more to entertain.

Monday, June 3, 2013

despair turned hope (morning devotion)

Romans 9: 2-4
That I have great sorrow and  continual grief in my heart. For I wish I myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my countrymen according to the flesh, who are Israelites, to whom pertain the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the service of God, and the promises.

Do you have anyone important to you? Family members? Friends? Love ones? How would you feel if that person is drenched in problems that you faced before, and you know that no one can face alone.You also know that if that person does not seek help, it will worsen by the day. God forbid, to a point of no return. Worse of all, that person does not intend to seek help. Because of your concern, the person now distance themselves from you. How many times have you felt this? It stinks does it not, this feeling? As matters gets worse and worse, what which was hope can find itself crashing and after time transformed into despair. Its funny how most of the most painful despairs that we faced are caused by external factors relating to people we hold close. Doesn't need to be a person we are in a relationship with, just needs to be someone important.

I have been watching Kamen Rider Wizard. I enjoyed the show so far for its plot and line of story. A basis of understanding to those wanting to watch, here is some information so you don't get lost in the show. Dun worry it is not spoilers. In fact, it will make sure you don't get lost in the show. This show focuses a lot on hope and despair. Everyone has a peculiar attachment / dream. Its like an underworld, personal and deep to each individual. The monsters in the show's mission is to displace that hope. Once hope is displaced, despair comes into its place and transform the person into a monster. The Mask Rider (Kamen Rider in Japanese) is a person who succeeded over despair by finding hope through his despair thus gaining his powers. the rest is a show about teaching people how to find new hope in him.

Now, here is a question then which springs up all the more larger quantities of despair pertaining to this topic. We all know how powerful, almighty and divine God is. All to clear, to be able to create an entire human race and earth, universe has to warrant him something. In Romans 9:15, it is said "... I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whomever I will have compassion." What does this says? I doubt you need me to explain it. Its just the words sounds so unjust to our ears. Not to mention does that means those who rejects him are people he never chosen to be saved in the first place? Are they forever rejected from God? In fact, verse 19 :"Will you then say to me then, "why does He still find fault? For who has resisted His will?" thus pointing to the relevance of such argument. In fact, it does shows that this has been a train of thought. Not new either to the christian world. Listen to the response of verse 20 " But indeed, O man, who are you to reply against God? Will the thing formed say to him who formed it, Why have you made me like this?" And we have it. The tricky part of discussion that I have finally entered.

Tricky is it not? Now in your mind, your probably wrestling with the idea of whether your prayers are worth anything, what is the reason for praying for these people, is God bias? At the same time, despairing for the people you love. Does it means that they will never be saved? Does it means God will not save them thus they reject him? Or the other way round? It suddenly feels like we are boxes of toys in a store. And our salvation feels like chance. God happened to picked up our box on that very day. Our friends were the unlucky ones.  Worse of all, God tells us to not question his decision making.

When we focus our thoughts on justice, on righteous, we get no where. And at the end of the day, we arrive at despair. Pain. We try to make sense out of the law. We do get sense back. But with condemnation as well. Romans 3:19-20 "now we know that whatever the law says, it says to those who are under the law, that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world MAY BE GUILTY BEFORE GOD. Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin." This is what it means to follow the law. Gods law. Being guilty. And you and I have not a choice. Its not a matter of whether your a christian or not. Its a matter of whether your a human or not. and so long as you are, within the boundaries of what is right and wrong, judgment falls on us all. And without the grace of God, 1 word - screwed. Thus the despair for people without God by the Christians.

All these questions. Questions. Questions. Time to mind blow you all.  Romans 9: 25-26. As He says also in Hosea: "I will call them My people, who were not my people. And her beloved, who was not beloved." And it shall come to pass in the place where it was said to them, You are not my people, There they shall be called sons of the living God." How easy it is to forget the grace that first save us. Now as I close, allow me first to say this to you. Do not for 1 moment dare forget what grace was afforded to you to be saved. Neither should you forget what grace is given to you now that you remain saved.

The picture that the bible wanted to paint is not one of a call to righteousness. It is one that says the law has condemned the whole world to bits and pieces. But God is love. If you come back to him, he has in his hand, no measuring stick to measure you worth. Just arms wide enough to hug you.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Devotion 1st June 2013

A pre warning to people about to read this post.
1.) this is my personal devotion. Nothing is directed at anyone else but me myself. It is what happens between me and God. If you do hear God speaking to you through this, I am most happy and would like to hear your testimonies. If possible, through the comment section. But Nothing here is pointing at anyone but myself. I am re-evaluating my walk with God, as I always do during my quiet times.
2.) Beware. Those of you who don't like Loads of words, Lawyer talk. This post contains all of that.
3.) This phylosopy in the words of 90% of the people I know is thinking too much. So if you feel like it is making you "think too much", read it for the fun of it. Afterall, this blog is meant to be fun and not taken personally.

Readings : Romans 7, 8 (whole chapter)

Weight down by sin. There are times I just feel like there is something in me that I badly want to rip out. Spiderman 3 movie comes to mind when Spiderman struggled to rip venom out of his body. In my life there are certain types of sins that i greatly regret its indulgence. Not one not two, but a large number, and they have been present since adolescent. Simply put, same game, many plays, same lost. verse 14 to 24 literally depicts what I dare say we all at a certain point of time if not at every point of time. We all hate doing certain things that hurts others or hurts our selves directly or indirectly. What simply stands in our way is our hearts selfish wants. Therefore we find ourselves doing the very things we detest. But yet we feel as though the reasons why we do it is as though there is 2 us. One us who loves good, and the other evil. Thus within us a fight constantly struggling to topple the other. Woe is us who have to face this fight especially when strongholds of our lives are not weak.

However, the nature of our salvation is neither allowing us to compromise on our fight against ourselves. We are bought into a new kingdom. Price paid. But that's not all. Earlier chapters established that our sinful nature does not excuse us to sin. The redemption of us does not just earns a passport to heaven, rather, it also comes as a package to help us fight against sin, the power to not repeat our old ways. Simply put, we do not need to repress ourselves to not do something, but in the name of Christ, we will not continue.

Disheartening reality. But the contrary of what chapter 8 intends to paint. Where sin moves at its deepest, Grace goes even deeper still. Chapter 8 explains our position of prince and princess under God being made equal with Jesus himself as sons and daughters of God but not God. Confusing is it not? Simply meaning, We are not God, and God forbid that thought. But we are of equal value as Christ. Imagine sitting on the right hand of God. That seat is only reserved for the prince. And Christ ask us to sit at his right hand. Having been away from home (Malaysia) for so long, home coming has been something I've been looking forward to greatly. It felt as though I am getting back something I have lost for quite a while. How about the anticipation of going to heaven? Many of us simply imagine it as a ticket to worship God in a fully unblemished body and soul. Let me tell you, Gods purpose for you and I is much much much more than that.
We are restored to a throne ( till now, I dare not believe I am given a throne.)
We are given heavenly mansions.
We will sin no more
We have no hindrance to fulfill our purpose. (inclusive of marriage, job,living)
And these are just those that I could understand with my current intellect after reading Chapter 8. Grace? We just saw the beginning of it all.