Just exited the fun book of philosophy of Romans. Its practicals is ridiculously hard to apply. About time I enter into a book that is not so philosophical. Thus, HELLO 1 CORINTHIANS!
I noticed Paul opens up every book with a self introduction of who he is and what is his calling. Till now, I have no clear idea of what my calling is. I truly admire ( probably better word is envy) people who knows what their calling is specifically. I met a person doing paleontology. He told me that at least I can earn money with my degree easily and compared to his, finding a job can be pretty challenging. From his perspective, I can understand what pain he has to go through having to probably trade desire for practicality. I on the other hand does not need to, but the possibility of having moved far from my true purpose is a possibility that is huge. Fear breeds doubt and doubt kills faith.
I always wonder what type of gifting in Christ am I granted. Today I received a partial answer. Enrichment in Utterance and Knowledge is a gift. Apparently made available to all Christians. I like to distinguish between personal gifts and communal gifts. Communal gifts, singularly unique to everyone. Not distinguished. Personal gifts, Distinguished. crafted specifically uniquely for you. If I go to a shop and buy a shirt for you, its not a full personal gift. Its a personal communal gift. It is specifically chosen for you from me, thus being personal in that sense. Communal in that everyone also has excess to that gift and everyone if wanting, can also purchase the same gift and the whole world be wearing the same shirt. @@ nasty. Wally. However, Christ crated something crazy. A communal personal gift. A gift for everyone, but each one is personally crafted, designed specifically to not just meet your need, but impress you as well. How wonderful is that? To every Christians out there, God grants you the gift of wisdom and peace. All Christians has access to it as long as you believe. But here is the beautiful part of the gift. Though we all have the same gift, we can never experience it the same way as each other does. Our gifts are crafted into our personality, mixed with our desires and trades. The peace of God though singular, is unique to each one in the way it is experience, qualifying God as a personal God. Similarly, wisdom from him is granted tailored to each ones specific life. If you ever felt that you as an engineering student is inferior to a law student, understand that God thinks otherwise. His gifts to you allows you to see things in a way no one else can see and no one else can meet. Lets put it this way. The wisdom given to you, is always designed to enable you to do something that no one else can do. So important is your role that if you do not do it, no one else might. Its your purpose and a life specifically made for you. Maddeningly mind blowing. reminds me of what the psalmist said. What is in men that you are so mindful of him.
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