The start of this passage took me by complete surprise. Paul opened by defending his calling. I often wondered what kind of position would I ended up taking. I can so easily go round telling others that I am a lawyer to be, but I find it extremely, strangely hard to tell anyone I am a bible study teacher (was and still want to be) So much floods into my mind when I want to say I know how to teach the bible. Paul defends his calling in the most interesting fashion. One that I actually thought of doing before in the past, but never had the guts to used. Paul pointed out to the people listening to him speaking that they are the seal that clarifies his apostleship. Meaning they are the fruit of his labour. Amusing stand that was taken. I would definitely have not the "thing" in me to tell people I am ministering to that they are the fruit of my labour for I feel not worthy of it.
the next passage took me by another surprise. The right to refrain from working. I gotten really amused by what Paul said. Right to have a wife, right to eat and drink. One often forgets the reason why God had us created and one commonly forget that we are not robots created by God to be fitted into a factory. Today, I am reminded of the way God created the garden of Eden. made for the enjoyment of mankind. The creation of mankind suddenly makes more sense, especially why God put them on earth. We man often forget about fun because of the in build design to work and protect, as well as being a visionary and cultivator. It made us one tracked minded. I admit we cannot multitask to a great extend. Women. Please don't take it against us when it looks like we do not appreciate what you do. We really do. We just have to switch between different modes of brain too often with you. ie logic to feelings or feelings to logic. Unlike you women, we are wired with decision making desires. We are not dictators, we are just wired with parts that makes us want to think in facts and bottom lines, thus when you ask us to feel something, it takes a bit of a while to re tune our own mind. We are not as adaptable as you. Be patient with us. Anyway, back to the argument. Enjoyment.
Often we find ourselves at the "Martha" position. Working to please or just simply working. Working in my context is not the literal working for money, but simply just doing something that feels productive with a must kind of mentality. For example, making a guest feel welcome at home by offering food, drinks, a seat. It is not wrong, but the alternative is just talking to the person.
Relax. This word seems more and more foreign these days. We cannot relax ourselves, and neither do we expect others to relax around us. I was sitting for my exam a long while ago. And next to me was a girl writting so furiously that in 3 hours she finished using up 20 pages for an essay! She later then approached me and ask why was I so relaxed. My writing speed was not fast at all, and she note that I did have time to check back my paper, and watch the clock.
I look at myself. Am I any different from that girl yet? I definitely am not to that extend of anxiousness, but how much to an extend do I do anything else with such anxiousness that I forget to trust and relax, and enjoy the things God expects me to enjoy. One of the things that amuses me most is the way how people travel. My parents would want to rush to a peculiar place. Then relax and enjoy there on the spot. My grandparents have a different doctrine. Enjoy the journey. And when you reached, rushingly complete everything. I laugh at them once. But now I look at my life. I don't sit back and enjoy the journey, and when I reached the destination, I just want to complete it and move on to the next assignment. Curious is it not? God created us to be fun loving creatures. Evidence is the trees, nature, animals, people, love ones he put around us to enjoy. Often, only when it is gone do we enjoy it. and then we cursed our mistake of forgetting to enjoy our friendship or company, but not realising that a drastic correction in our lifestyle is needed.
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