Saturday, June 1, 2013

Devotion 1st June 2013

A pre warning to people about to read this post.
1.) this is my personal devotion. Nothing is directed at anyone else but me myself. It is what happens between me and God. If you do hear God speaking to you through this, I am most happy and would like to hear your testimonies. If possible, through the comment section. But Nothing here is pointing at anyone but myself. I am re-evaluating my walk with God, as I always do during my quiet times.
2.) Beware. Those of you who don't like Loads of words, Lawyer talk. This post contains all of that.
3.) This phylosopy in the words of 90% of the people I know is thinking too much. So if you feel like it is making you "think too much", read it for the fun of it. Afterall, this blog is meant to be fun and not taken personally.

Readings : Romans 7, 8 (whole chapter)

Weight down by sin. There are times I just feel like there is something in me that I badly want to rip out. Spiderman 3 movie comes to mind when Spiderman struggled to rip venom out of his body. In my life there are certain types of sins that i greatly regret its indulgence. Not one not two, but a large number, and they have been present since adolescent. Simply put, same game, many plays, same lost. verse 14 to 24 literally depicts what I dare say we all at a certain point of time if not at every point of time. We all hate doing certain things that hurts others or hurts our selves directly or indirectly. What simply stands in our way is our hearts selfish wants. Therefore we find ourselves doing the very things we detest. But yet we feel as though the reasons why we do it is as though there is 2 us. One us who loves good, and the other evil. Thus within us a fight constantly struggling to topple the other. Woe is us who have to face this fight especially when strongholds of our lives are not weak.

However, the nature of our salvation is neither allowing us to compromise on our fight against ourselves. We are bought into a new kingdom. Price paid. But that's not all. Earlier chapters established that our sinful nature does not excuse us to sin. The redemption of us does not just earns a passport to heaven, rather, it also comes as a package to help us fight against sin, the power to not repeat our old ways. Simply put, we do not need to repress ourselves to not do something, but in the name of Christ, we will not continue.

Disheartening reality. But the contrary of what chapter 8 intends to paint. Where sin moves at its deepest, Grace goes even deeper still. Chapter 8 explains our position of prince and princess under God being made equal with Jesus himself as sons and daughters of God but not God. Confusing is it not? Simply meaning, We are not God, and God forbid that thought. But we are of equal value as Christ. Imagine sitting on the right hand of God. That seat is only reserved for the prince. And Christ ask us to sit at his right hand. Having been away from home (Malaysia) for so long, home coming has been something I've been looking forward to greatly. It felt as though I am getting back something I have lost for quite a while. How about the anticipation of going to heaven? Many of us simply imagine it as a ticket to worship God in a fully unblemished body and soul. Let me tell you, Gods purpose for you and I is much much much more than that.
We are restored to a throne ( till now, I dare not believe I am given a throne.)
We are given heavenly mansions.
We will sin no more
We have no hindrance to fulfill our purpose. (inclusive of marriage, job,living)
And these are just those that I could understand with my current intellect after reading Chapter 8. Grace? We just saw the beginning of it all.

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