Friday, May 31, 2013

barb wire

4 boys were wanting to go play in the river nearby. There was heavy barbing of wire around that area meant to prevent people from going in, but boys be boys each one started climbing over the wire to swim in the river. Each one of them got over the wire accept for the youngest boy who had his clothes entangled around the wire. In frustrations frantic movements, he started trying to yank his clothes out of the wiring while each of the other boys leap into the river. The harder he yank, the more ripped his clothes got and more bruised he gotten. In one moment of triumph, he successfully gotten the last bit of wire of his clothing. In triumph, he screamed "I am free" and ran towards the river to join the other boys, only to have his brother shout back from the river "Don't come here! Its full of snakes!" That faithful day, the only boy that survived was the one caught by the barbed wire.

Have you ever been burned by fire? I have. I love playing with them. Real fire I mean. Not figurative fire. When I was younger, my hometown was more village like than it is now. There were more trees and more wild around. So burning up twigs and leaves to create more fertilizer was not uncommon. Many family burned the leaves and twigs in their garden as an economical way of cleaning up the garden and taming the garden. I was the one in charge of cleaning the garden of my family. Though I must say that I was terribly bad at it. So whats with being burned by fire? Nothing. Just wondering if you experience the pain of burn. It lingers for days if it really is a bad burn. Even leave scars.

Many people consider the mistakes they make as fire and the pain they go through after that as after burns. I used to think the same way too until I recall the barb wire story. Most of the times, there is a warning before we head into our mistakes. No mistakes is made without warnings before it. Can you remember a time where you plunge into something where your conscience did not "told you so?" You can't. Even the worse most profane state of being can be traced all the way back to small promptings in the heart bearing sigmas that says you will be bitten by a snake if you go that way.
A barb wire has its specific purpose. It is made to prevent people from entering into a certain premise whether for personal reasons or public reasons. (this case we shall be bias and only consider only public reasons) I believe there is always a warning to life's mistakes. Not one instance ever was there where I cannot trace the state of being of where I am to an instance where I dismiss the most subtle of warnings that has been presented to me.
So what does this reminds me of? Being faithful with little. Many people I know of seems to find that when problems comes, they instantly get big. Like as though life is some anime / Ultraman monster who can grow at will. The bible says, unless we are faithful in the small, we cannot be faithful in the big. Applying it. Do you notice how when you start doing something (anything) as time goes by, the doing increases and the "skill" or "quantity" increases. So from doing something small, we become doing something big but in the same area. In that way, as we make mistakes with the smallest aspects of life, it does not escalates to something big. It snowballs as we push it slowly, slowly. Slowly... till we find ourselves ran over by the snowball.
Honestly. How does this starts? With us wanting to do the big and neglect the small. Ever wish to fast forward time into another space? That is because we have gotten sick of the mundane small things we do. Unknowingly, we neglect it and rush on to the bigger game. Once again, why again. Pride. The mother of all sins as my teachers have told me. Pride brings its guns out. And humanity falls apart. Look around and see everyone seeking for people who are open minded. Open minded means accepting 2 sides of the stories equally then taking sides. ie: I accept your premise I reject your conclusion. To this day, I have not found anyone my age who has told me that same words despite how many times I have done it for them. I in fact am a very prideful person. Enough in fact to say I am an opinionated open minded person. We all see each others flaws and problems. Curiously, the reason to this is simple. What we see is a simple construction of a mirror as to half of what we are. All the flaws of what we see in another is actually a reflection of a monster that hides in us. You might then say, I have never committed infidelity, murder, incest, treason or any terrible sins. Now, I look back at you and ask you. Are you not capable of entertaining those thoughts? For each capability, we do not know how depraved we are until we entered that ground. We are indeed all monsters.

So hopeless it sounds, but is it really? Yesterday again I was reminded "Why do we fall? So we can pick ourselves up again." True, but flawful in its explanation. We do not pick ourselves up.When one falls in real life, one is rolling. One allows another to pick him up. That to you, is the true destruction of pride and maturities high road.

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